Institute: |
Lab or Branch |
Caliper Technologies, Mt. View, CA |
Title: |
Automated LabChip Electrophoresis of DNA
and Proteins |
Authors: |
H. L.Phan, L. Bousse,K. Williams,W. A.
Ausserer |
Abstract: |
Microfluidics-based electrophoresis methods
for analysis of DNA fragments and protein samples are
discussed. The Lab-on-a-Chip system allows sampling from
96- or 384-well plates, electrophoretic separation, fluorescence
detection, and electronic data analysis to be performed
automatically with no user intervention. HaeIII digests
of PhiX 174 DNA are used to qualify the system; accuracy,
reproducibility, resolution, and linearity results are
reported. Separation of PCR-amplified restriction digest
samples of C. elegans is also demonstrated. The LabChip®
electrophoresis system is also suitable for protein analysis,
and ongoing work in this area is discussed. |